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ТК: Между первой и второй перерывчик на вопрос (29/05/1999)

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Дата и время: 29.05.1999, вечер, плавно перетекающий в ночь.
Место: Милуоки, пять с половиной миль от Портлэнда, бар.
Участники: Emma Swan, Neal Cassidy.
Краткое описание: алкоголь - зло, говорили они. Никогда не играйте в "правду или выпил", говорили они. Эмма и Нил их, к счастью, не слышали.



Внешний вид: любимые джинсы, которые пора бы постирать, чёрная футболка, на которой когда-то что-то даже было написано, кроссовки. 
С собой: деньги-деньжатки, карманный ножик, коробок спичек с какой-то попутной заправки, две зажигалки (тоже, знаете ли, не свои, зато симпатичные), тачка и девушка.

Припарковавшись даже не как чужак, а как свой, по всем правилам, Нил на секунду застрял с открытой дверью жука, придирчиво оглядывая вывеску. Whiskey Bar, сказать нечего, главная цель обозначена. Зачем потребовалось ехать аж до самого Милуоки, когда выпить тебе любой портлэндский бар не дурак предложить? Ну, в конце концов, эти Бонни и Клайд местного разлива жить не могли без дороги, по-крайней мере, так казалось Нилу.
— Вылезай, принцесса, идём на поиски алключений, — позвал он Эмму и, торжественно хлопнув дверцей машины, первым протопал к входу, галантно придержал спутнице дверь, а потом также отчаянно хлопнул и ею. Бармен даже ухом не повёл. Милуоки, а не какая-нибудь вам Британия. И хотя в Британии Нил был только в таком возрасте, когда походы в пабы и бары для него оставались занятием весьма далёким от реальности, почему-то он откровенно считал, что будь на месте хранителя бара чопорный britishman — ну однозначно бы тут они не выпили.
Облюбовав место в углу, подальше от шумной компании, которая развлекала себя игрой в дартс, Нил торжественно поинтересовался, чего же хочет его спутница на этот алковечер.
— Пиво, коньяк, виски, шампанское, чача, ликёр, ром, абсент, текила... шнапс?
Денег было достаточно, потому что грабить заправки и правда было экономически выгодно.


Appearance: favourite dirty jeans, black T-shirt that had print a long time ago in a galaxy far far away, running shoes.
With him: money bay-bay, the pocket knife, the box of matches from some filling station, the two lighters (not his but really nice ones), the car and the girl.

He parked the car as he'd been living here all his life: following all the rules and acting like a, you know, local. Neal stood for a moment with the beetle's door opened and stared at the sign. Whiskey Bar. Nothing to add, the main destination of this place is quite clear. But why should they take all this road till the Milwaukee when they could have found a bar and a glass in any Portland's corner? Well, these two guys — portland-baked Bonny and Clyde — were addicted to driving, to being in and on the road, at least, Neal thought so.
— Come on, princess, it's time for drinkventures, — he glanced at Emma, slammed the car door and made his way for the bar. Being a gentlemen, he hold the door for the lady and then slammed it with a double force. Barman was as cool as a cucumber. Blessed Milwaukee, so not british. And it doesn't matter that Neal was in his teens when he was in the UK and the bars' and pubs' doors were closed for him, still he was convinced that for a good-drinking night they must have an american barman. Not stiff, not prim — that could have spoilt the evening.
He choosed a table in the corner, as far as possible from the noise — guys were playing darts. He looked at Emma and asked what she would like to drink.
— Beer, brandy, whiskey, champagne, chacha, liqueur, rum, absinth, teqila... schnapps?
They had a great amount of money because robbing a filling station really makes you rich for an evening or two. 

Отредактировано Neal Cassidy (Четверг, 30 апреля, 2015г. 15:12)



[avatar]http://avatar.imgin.ru/images/325-ihj1hx02jZ.png[/avatar]Appearance: Black-thick-rimmed glasses, short floral printed dress, jeans jacket, black boots. Blonde ponytail.
With her: Girly-robbery stuff in the pockets like hairpins and a small mirror.

— If they haven't a big mechanical bull, I'm so-o-o-o-o not interested! — Swan claimed with a little smile and closed the beetle's door. Neal was excited about drinks, Emma was excited about Neal, everything was pretty clear. But that doesn't mean she can't be a little bit grumpy, don't you think?
— Why is it so special, anyway? — Emma's age was all about be apathetic and over-calm about everything in the world. She will grow up from this, we assure you.
"Without any logical reason, probably", she answered in her mind trying not to laugh. "Oh, men".
But, you know, then Emma sat at the table, she felt herself truly like a princess. Eternal glory to the men beside her!
— Schnapps, seriously? I knew that you're going through puberty right now, but... Seriously? — He couldn't not offend her, did he? That's why he will pay for that.
— That we will do! — she started commanding around. — Keep your fourteen years old mouth shut and bring me... hm, whiskey, I think!

Отредактировано Emma Swan (Четверг, 30 апреля, 2015г. 15:30)



— Be a good girl and I won't make you drink milk shake — actually, she wasn't allowed to be here, but Neal knew that with him it was okay. He had convincingness, charming smile, money for bribing everyone he wanted — he was so assured of his own success that nobody's been even thinking of asking the age of his date.
Why Emma was so against schnapps was beyond Neal's understanding. He shrugged his shoulders and went to the barman. Waiting for a nice bottle of Chivas Regal (Scotts are good judges for whiskey), he sneaked a glance at his beautiful girl and smiled contentendly. Boy, he was the most lucky guy! She was young, pretty, had a good sense of humour and never asked him to be anybody he wasn't.
— Here you are, madam Old-Enough-To-Drink-Whiskey, — he laughed. — I will sit here and drink my diet Coke, hope, you're okay with that.
Coke, of course, was for her — he was not fully sure, that pure whiskey was an appropriate drink for such a young lady. Neal Cassidy was several years older according to the data — but Bay was so much more experienced, that he would rather not think about it.
— Okay, let's drink for you, — he suggested. — Or for the mechanical bull. And for the fact, that we are not in Texas. So weird place...

— Now I have a suggestion, — he said filling the glasses again. — Let's play a game. I don't know anything significant about you but I'd like to. Look at this bottle — it'll help us, — he pointed at Chivas Regal as if it was his silent friend. — One of us asks questions. The other one answers the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. Or, if he — or she — has big dirty secret and doesn't want it to be revealed — he can just drink. To the bottom.
He looked at her.
— Agreed? You start.

Отредактировано Neal Cassidy (Пятница, 1 мая, 2015г. 20:05)



— Ugh, — Emma made snoots at Neal. — If we will have to talk about my past, we need something bigger — she pointed at buddy Chivas Regal standing nearby — than this to cover it. Something, you know, bottomless. Not because it's sad as hell, no (I mean, my life wasn't a walk in the park, but it has nothing impressively bad to whine about) but sick-boring and common! You'll fall asleep and I'll mock you, just because you deserve it!
Emma laughed and took another sip. "Cool stuff", said stupid teenage part of her. And immediately Swan felt truly disappointed in her maturity, and all because of this moment of verity in front of drink in her hand.
— Wait, I just told you the whole plane? Forget it! Of course I'm in. Weeeell... what is your favorite color? — She knew it was a terrible secret to hide, "He will sozzle himself because of me, or I'm not Emma Swan!"[avatar]http://avatar.imgin.ru/images/325-ihj1hx02jZ.png[/avatar]

Отредактировано Emma Swan (Среда, 20 мая, 2015г. 22:08)



— That's okay, we have all the time in the universe and all the money from the filling station, — he laughed. — And I can pretend that's all so interesting and stuff. You won't tell I'm asleep, I'm a damn good actor!
He thought she wasn't an ordinary girl, she knew that from the very beginning, from that "stealing stolen car" accident. He felt it. This wasn't just a girl and boy thing, it was something much more important, but Neal still couldn't say what exactly.
— Colour? Really? I'll never get drunk, — he said with anguish look. — That'd be blue.
And if she new anything about his past, she would laugh so hard, the Blue Fairy would have heard that from his homeland. Neal smiled and looked sadly at his glass.
— Where were you born?
He didn't start from the question about her parents and why so young creature can drive with a strange man to Milwaukee without even calling her dad and saying some "I would like to stay at Jenny's and please don't disturb us, we're trying to study" crap. Or something a normal girl does when she is running away to drink whiskey and be cool.


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